LearnJamaican using audio lessons and content LearnJamaican Patois using audio....Learn JamaicanGet a feel is to sounds and upsurge of theJamaican dialectLearn Jamaican Patois sentences and their syntaxand more Whatyou will pick up ....Learn the essentials suchas:Saying Hello andGreeting PeopleHowto Respondto GreetingsWordsforSaying GoodbyeAskingQuestions in JamaicanPatoisCommonResponses to QuestionsUsingthe Word "Mek"Words Describing People,Placesand ThingsShowingLocation or PositionHow to Use Nay, Nah, NuhWordsDescribing Size, Quantity,StrengthWordsthat demonstrate Surprise or HappinessCommonExpressionsWordsRelated to DanceHall ReggaeClothingand AccessoriesNames of a few JamaicanFood andmore Otherbenefits of listening to the audio:Yourears willbegin to agree to the sounds and upsurge of the Jamaicanlanguage.Learn todistinguishJamaican difference Experience newpossibilities (new Jamaican friends,increased wording etc.)Many of the difference in the lessons canbe listened in Reggae music, Jamaican cinema etc.Evenif you're atotal newbie you can start learning Jamaican ....Suitable for Beginner to Intermediate turn orfor any person who wants to learnYouwill listen to the Jamaicanword(s)being spokenthen the Standard English meaning is since The Jamaican word is since and frequently an example,is given, of how the word is usedSimilarly, you will listen to Jamaican expressions,vocabulary,phrases etc
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